Conversation between product and consumer.
Interpreted through capsule collection.

Capsule Collection III

The Humanitarian Capsule Collection is an idea based on the simple notion of helping those in need. The collection deals with the topic of humanitarian crises. The term ‘‘Humanitarian Crisis’’ means when a human existence or existential needs are threatened or neglected. For example, armed conflicts, nuclear disasters, natural hazards (earthquakes, floods), etc. The aim of this collection is to provide humanitarian aid through a fundraising campaign that is initiated by an NGO, which offers the opportunity to draw attention to various crises worldwide. The release of the Humanitarian capsule collection is our ongoing effort to support those in need, those currently facing ongoing conflicts.

This collection features original artistrybeing® Artworks – Lotus Flower (seen on the box tee) and Humanitarian Artwork (soon to be presented). 

Listed below are humanitarian

organizations’ watch lists regarding global crises.